Rental Scam Complaints : Beware of common rental scams

Rental Scam Complaints


What Is a Rental Scam? 

Rental scams are a variation on a theme. The scammer tries to get money from a prospective tenant for an apartment that the scammer is in no legal position to rent. The apartment might be real (in which case, the scammer doesn’t have the authority to lease it) or fictitious.

Q. How to report a rental scammer ?

If you find yourself the target of a rental scam, report it to your local law enforcement agency and Contact the website where the ad was posted, too.



Follow these tips to avoid such rental scams:

Never deal in cash as it is difficult to track the imposter. Dealing in cash is a common trend while getting a property on rent among tenants, especially in India. A tenant should never make any transaction with a landlord in cash. Experts advice adopting the online payment mode or cheque payment for ensuring transparency.

Ask for a written lease agreement

If you have selected a property available on rent, make sure you get a formal written deed or agreement, mentioning the details of both parties – landlord and tenant. Verbal promise or deal is always problematic. Written agreement can prevent any rental scam.

Always visit the place before getting a property on rent. Strictly, do not sign any agreement against a property without seeing it. Moreover, tenant should have a personal meeting with the landlord.

It is better to be aware of existing market rates in advance before hunting the property on rent. This way, you would not be fooled by a broker showing you over priced properties.

If you get a chance, do talk to the current tenants in the absence of the landlord to know about the property and their experience with the landlord.


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